Thursday, September 27, 2007

Live from Sarajevo!

on a german keyboard, no less, so pardon spelling. We made it. And our luggage did too! We had a couple of leaking ziploc baggies but no real damage. Are looking at an apt. tomorrow. Bumpy last flight into Sarajevo but met a basketball team from Germany including 7 americans and 5 europeans. Very tall kids. So we are here and dying already from secondhand smoke. Favorite part of trip so far was the United flight attendant: when trying to get my bag overhead because Wiley and I were not in the same boarding class, the lady watched and said it would not fit. I asked for a little help. The unFredlike response: We do not lift bags. Each passenger must lift their own bag. She JUST saw me lift it. I replied rather icily that I could lift it, but what I didnćt want to do was break the plane. She grudgingly came over to help. Wish us well, we will be in touch again soon.


...JustCara said...

Pictures!!! (Glad you made it in safe!)

Anonymous said...

Glad your trip was fairly uneventful. Stay away from that secondhand smoke---yeah, right, in eastern Europe!!??!! Hope the adjustment is an easy one. Aunt Tex

Anonymous said...


Melinda said...

Pix will be up as soon as we have our computers up and running in our apartment...which could be later than sooner...

Paint, I missed your comment.