More packages arrived, and with them, good ol' American goodness: Little Debbie Snack Cakes, Goldfish, Reece's PB trees, even some Doritos! I also got cream of tartar and baking powder. So, once I got my baking ingredients, I set to work. As you can see, I made mini sugar cookies. The first batch that came out of the oven were pretty good, though burned a bit on the bottom. The next two sheets' full were complete bummers, as I broke over half of them getting them off the not-quite-a-cookie-sheet. Then I realized that flouring the sheet would be a good idea, so the last batch came out quite well. I wasn't able to find food coloring, so all the cookies were iced white with little balls on top. After all, sugar is sugar and the tastebuds don't care what the sugar looks like.
In addition to these, I made carrot cupcakes, which turned out pretty well, though just a bit flat. I winged the cream cheese icing, but Wiley didn't complain, and he's still alive, so I must've done all right.
I've also been decorating the apartment. While not exactly construction paper, it does the job and the apartment is festive. Now, time to watch The Grinch!
1 comment:
I could use one of those cookies right now!
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