Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Really Pissed.

Why must everything be so difficult in this country??????? Wiley took a Christmas package to be mailed to the post office, and we can't send over silver or gold. I have some jewels to send abroad, and I have no idea if they're made of silver or stainless steel. The post office informed Wiley that not only do we get the privilege of having them open our carefully wrapped package and root through our gifts, but we also have to pay for it, and if they open up our stuff and determine that it is indeed silver, then THEY JUST TAKE IT!!!!! Are you kidding me??????????


Anonymous said...

You may use DHL, FedEx, ... they are more expensive but reliable.
Bosnian post office is notoriously unreliable and unprofessional.

Melinda said...

The problem isn't the post office, it's customs - every package is opened and inspected. And customs determines what goes in and out. I just want to send some gifts home. It shouldn't be this difficult.

Anonymous said...

you just have to follow the rules where you live, and sometimes it is a pain. can you just bring them home as late gifts? auntie em

Melinda said...

Yeah but I don't want to! I want them to get there earlier than July!!! And I am not a rule follower all the time!

Anonymous said...

well, i don't try to follow all the rules all the time anymore(too hard) but you do have to figure out which ones you can or can't challenge w/out too much damage to yourself, and move on. i would love xmas in the summer or fall; a picnic gift exchange instead of snow strandings!(we just got 4 more inches, the bird feeder is empty) auntie em

Anonymous said...

Possible solution :)


Melinda said...

Thanks for the suggestions! All packages are mailed excluding questionable objects.