Wiley and I took a trip to Mostar yesterday for the day. We went with Prof and had a great time walking around the city. The weather was around 60 degrees, the air was clean, and the mountains surrounding us were beautiful. Unfortunately, a member of my family didn't survive the trip: my little point-and-shoot Canon Powershot A70. It took two pictures on the bus and then gave me this photo...pretty, yes, but not quite what I was going for. The nice thing about the Canon was the fact that it could fit in my purse without any problem. The dSLR is constantly slung around my neck, which not only makes me look like a tourist, but is also a bit heavy. We have to go back to Mostar because both batteries were out of juice, and I need a picture of the Stari Most (a beautiful bridge) lit up at night. And the sun setting on the mountains was so unusual - the sky was a light pink, and the white snow on top of the mountain just popped. It was like looking at strawberry ice cream with whipped cream on bottom. I'd swear it was Photoshopped if I didn't take it myself, but of course, taking it myself wasn't an option, so I need to go back! I will post pictures of Mostar as soon as they're uploaded to Wiley's computer. We had a lovely time, though I'm sad my little camera won't be making the trip home with me. So the hunt begins for another point-and-shoot. Jill at
Up in Alaska was given an Olympus, and she's taken beautiful pictures with it, but I don't think I need something waterproof, shockproof or weatherproof (though now I'm wondering since I don't know why my camera died, other than it was over 7 years old). So I'm also thinking of another Canon Powershot. Small, as well as powerful, is what we're going for here. If anyone would like to recommend their camera, I'd love to hear (or see).
I had a camera like that and it did the same thing. However, I didn't know there was a recall on it and threw it away. You, on the other hand, may get something out of it. Good luck.Mine only lasted 3 years.
Ooh, this is great news! I will look into it. Thank you! And where's your blog?
my blog is probably talking to your camera right now
hahahaha. Crappers unite.
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