Monday, April 28, 2008


The New York Times had an article today on Ansel Adams and how people try to recreate his pictures. I think some people could accuse me of doing the same thing; I love taking pictures in black and white. To me, there's a timeless, ethereal quality. Don't get me wrong - I love color in photos, especially in fall. But I truly love the challenges shooting in black and white presents. Part of the article said that people may find disappointment because they can't quite reproduce the effect. And to this, I say that while imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, just shoot. Make your mark. Take hundreds of photographs. How many pictures do you think dear Ansel took of the same landscape? Methinks more than one. Experiment. One thing that I pride myself on is that I take photos of everything. Everything! What you see on the blog just scratches the surface of what I have on my hard drive. I have pictures of the veins inside leaves. I have tons of pictures of Wiley, of rooms, shrubs, rocks, the ground, the sky, buildings, streets....everything I can. Because you never know when you've got a masterpiece on your hands. The worst photo is the one not taken. So go play!


kcmeesha said...

so do you shoot b&w or in color and then remove the color?

Anonymous said...

we have got to go digital; we have shoeboxes full of prints.(which we're searching for photos of you) how cool to have it all on a tiny thingy.auntie em

Melinda said...

No, I like to shoot in black and white, as well as color. I read that the white is dingy if you take a pic in color and then change it to black and white.

Auntie, out of everyone, you people should be the digital ones, especially as much as Uncle Em likes to take photos. I tell you, they're very easy to use. You can play with ours at the wedding; Wiley's parents will be shooting pictures for us throughout the evening.