It's been over a month now that I've been catless. Not furless, mind you - I still have fur stuck on my coat and just picked up some angora yarn today, and it sheds about as much as Dixie - but no little lovey four-legged creatures. I have ants, and silverfish, and the occasional spider, though I think they may all be dead thanks to the snow (they were HUGE and made very nice, complicated webs on my windows that I peer out of in the mornings), but no little paws padding around the apartment. No heads butting my chin. No bodies fighting to get into my lap for warmth and some rubbing. I get my updates from two of my foster slaves, but I consistently have to email the ex to see what's going on with my problem child. There are lots of cats here, all in varying stages of growth, though none look to be older than a few years, which saddens me. I miss my furballs.
after OBH died, we were catless for at least a year until we adopted Mrs. MacBeevie, and that was a looooong year. as nuts as she is, she is a coze monster, especially as the days get cooler. how many mice and wal-mart craft pompoms did you find when you moved?! auntie em
I'm spoiling your cat (bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha evil laugh). But she has to put up with some black fuzzy creature sniffing at her hind end all the time, so it evens out.
Deeder eats the mice, so she doesn't get those anymore, but we found only about 30 or so of the 100 balls the cats had...so whoever moves the fridge and oven are going to be handsomely rewarded!
missy only eats the tails off em, so those get cut off right away as we sing 3 blind mice. auntie em
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