Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Today's Walk
I was worried I would be too sore to run, and I was also worried it'd be too cold. But I put on some leggings under my pants and tore out of the house, 10 minutes later than I was yesterday. I started off at a faster pace, which was bad - must start slowly because I burned out at a half-mile. Then I walked and then ran another half mile. The cardinals weren't out as much this morning, but a beaver was! Well, maybe a woodchuck. All I saw was his little brown body running back into the growth. It's really peaceful to get out among nature in the morning. Tomorrow's going to be really hard - it's going to frost tonight, and when I start out, it's still kinda dark. Oh well. Wonder if the birdies will be out. The worms, they will be dead. Poor worms.
Monday, April 28, 2008
We're Going to be Washed Away.
Tonight I got some borax and sprinkled my furniture with it and pushed it into the floor where the wood doesn't quite meet the wall. On Wednesday, we vacuum. I've also washed all the blankets and my bedding and am keeping the cats out of my room. They hate that. They love the bed! But sleep last night was not easy. I think it was midnight before I went to bed, and 1 before I fell asleep. And then I had dreams that spiders were falling from the ceiling, and that I got to work and my inbox was overflowing with stuff I had to get done that day. So when 6:19 rolled around, my phone woke me up - Wiley got some more money for his phone so he could text me - and I grudgingly got up. He's currently in Zvornik interviewing people, which turned out to be a bad time because of the holidays (Easter and then another one I can't remember). His phone thinks he's in Serbia, so it eats money. But he's taking pictures so soon you (and I) will see! So morning came early, but I got up, fed the cats, and went for a run - a whole mile without stopping once! The trail I use was deserted this morning at that time - just me and one other person, then two on my way back. The trail is around 3 miles, but I only go about a mile into it and then the mile back. I don't have much time, especially if I walk it. But my arse, oh boy, what pain it feels. I think it may rain tomorrow, which will hamper my plans, but if not, I'll attempt again and hopefully the muscles will feel better. It's times like this that I apologize to my body for abusing it and not using it regularly like I should.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm Itchy.
Good Morning.
When I got home, there was a gold finch in my back yard. I haven't seen one of those in years - usually I only see the green one. And then there were these two bright blue birds...little, and thin, thinner than a sparrow. I think it's an indigo grosbeak, but I'm not sure. Having the internet at your fingertips is a wonderful thing. I don't know how I ever survived without it.
Today, since I'm still icky from my walk, will be a day of attempting to make the house a little more homey. The basics are down; now it's time to find space for a few more things. Hopefully after Tuesday I can start packing a few things up again in anticipation of moving in July/August.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
1 Down, Several to Go
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Milko Adventures
So, I've switched to a cheaper brand with the same fat content (no skim milk here, .9% is the best you get). It's 20 percent cheaper and taste's the same to me. Unfortunately, i can't figure out how to open it correctly. The H-Milk comes in little bible-shaped cartons. The more expensive kind had a plastic spout that flipped up, then you just had to peal off some foil like the top of Texsun orange juice. The new stuff has a screw top instead of the flap. that's no problem, except the foil does not want to peal off. Instead of just a little flap to peal off, there is a plastic hoop attached to the foil.
On my first attempt, I unscrewed the top, saw the hoop and pulled it. Instead of pulling off the foil, it pulled off the entire top of the carton. it made a real mess every time I used it.
On the second attempt, I thought I had it figured out, so I held the plastic thing and attempted to pull on the ring. But the foil attached to the ring wouldn't budge and I couldn't get leverage to pull harder. So, I grabbed a knife and used the handle to pull on the ring. But then the ring broke! I had to resort to using the knife to dig out the foil, which only half works but avoids the mess.
And that's where I stand now. The whole point is the rip out the foil, but not only is the foil stronger than the ring meant to pull it out but also the glue holding the cap to the carton.
I have to be doing something wrong. I'm tempted to see if the next door neighbor lady can help me.
Oh well.... such are the adventures of living abroad.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
When It Grows, They Come
Finally, her brother comes back and mows the rest of my front lawn and back yard. I hijack his mower to mow the back yard of my neighbor guy, and I can promise you I'm not doing his yard again. Stepping in and mowing over boxer poop was no fun, and his yard was so uneven, I'm sure my belly will bruise because of all the times I ran into the mower. So my side of the yard is mulched; his is not. I've been weedwhacked, so I don't need to do that again for another couple of weeks or so...hopefully. But that was not my idea of a good time, though the brother said he'd cut the grass cheaper than my landlord would. I think I can handle the front yard and my half of the back. But no way am I doing the back yard of my neighbor. Ick.
My computer keyboard decided to stop working again. It's been an ongoing problem for about a year now. I finally gave up and went to the surplus store to look at keyboards, and I got a brand new Dell keyboard for $4.00. Four dollars!! Sam's offered them for $14 and Target $20. When it's time to get the four-drawer filing cabinet, I'm going back.
Tomorrow is my last day of freedom during the week. I really am excited about working again, especially at such a cushy place...an hour of lunch, don't have to be to work until 8:30, out at 5...I am so excited. So excited!!!
Today, We Tackle
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
And in an interesting turn of events, Wiley and I might be moving to the other side of town to rent a professor's house while he's gone to another university on fellowship. The best parts? A baby grand piano at my fingertips. A canopy bed. Skylights. And I can walk to the law office if we move into this new house in the fall!
Monday, April 21, 2008
As I'm reaching into my refrigerator to grab some cookie dough (hey, cookies are still edible in this form), a loud knock comes from my front door. I open it to find a sheriff staring at me, asking me if I'm someone I'm not. I reply that I'm not and I've only been here a few weeks, and he gets all in my business, asking me where I'm from and why I'm here and what I'm going to do. He asks if this place is quiet now because it never used to be (I'm thinking my landlord isn't as honest as I thought he was), and tells me to look into being a court reporter or a probation officer because the law firms here don't pay squat compared to Indianapolis or other cities. Very helpful, though the mud daubers also like the front of the house and are buzzing by me as I'm trying to talk to him and remain calm.
My dad was stung as a child, so I have a rather insane fear of being stung. I've never been stung, and I will probably be ok if I am stung, but I just hate the idea of having stinging critters around my house. The yard is REALLY long, and I've asked my next-door neighbor to contact his friend to mow it, and he said he did and it should happen this week, but it has yet to happen, and if they're nesting in the grass, then yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. I feel like a prisoner in my house. It's nice outside and I'm inside because those stingers creep me out. While I read that they don't sting unless handled, I still think I'm going to make a trip to Wal Mart to get some spray if my landlord doesn't show up with any.
One Pet Peeve.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
iPod is On
After that, I started listening to the songs on my iPod that everyone could dance to, and Justin Timberlake's "Damn Girl" is stuck in my head. It's got a '70s feel to it. I hate to admit it, but the boy's got talent. His FutureSex/LoveSounds CD is really quite good. It gets me in the dancing mood. Something tells me the band won't be able to play this song.
As I'd only played Hearts on the computer, I wasn't sure I could play with people. But I turned out to be pretty good, garnering some "ooohs" and "aaahhhs" when I played a certain card. When we finished, I was in second place, having gotten the queen of spades just one time and maybe 22 hearts.
My oven decided to quit working today. I emailed the landlord, who assured me when I moved in that he would come out the same day I reported a problem to take a look. Hmmm...unless he's coming in the next 45 minutes, ain't gonna happen today. What really pisses me off was that I was making cookies...had them on the sheets ready to go in, and kaput. Burners work, but not the oven itself. I toggled the heating coils, but got nothing in return. So now the cookie dough sits in the fridge, waiting to be baked. The bad thing is that I also like cookie dough, so it's hard not to get into it...after all, it's just sitting there. A friend used to like me to make her a batch without the egg so she could just munch on it. Tasty vittles.
Article on Travel in Bosnia
While Croatia is SPECTACULAR and everyone who ever gets to Eastern Europe should take a few days to spend there, there are lots of places in Bosnia that are untouched and beautiful. Look at our hiking pictures if you don't believe me. I wasn't able to go on as many outings as I would've liked, but I'm a firm believer in seeing Mother Nature raw. Bosnia offers countless opportunities.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Better Late than Never
After meeting up with my friend, we went to the jeweler, and voila! Sapphire for my wedding band all picked out. Mission accomplished. Lunch at Touch of Asia, which rocks my world and if you want a great Indian experience, go there (on Metcalf and near 435), then a stop by the old law firm to say my hellos and see what was up with my old gang. Then it was off to see an Austrian film called The Counterfeiters with another friend (great soundtrack and I really enjoyed the movie), then dinner, where the bacon was left off our burgers ("Oh, I know you'll tell the waiter when he comes back," quipped McCoy) and I was told that I'm nice but crispy. "There were signs you needed to leave," he said. "There's a reason you dated a guy in Indiana." Oh, really? I always thought I was such a good actress. And now my world has crumbled! Are you reading this, McCoy? Crumbled!!!
Today I had breakfast at Corner Cafe - if you've not been to this little slice of heaven in Riverside, get thee up there now. They have cinnamon rolls as big as your head. I had some delicious pancakes, golden hashbrowns, bacon, and an egg. Oh, yum, yum, yum.
I got to the airport about a half-hour before my flight left. I have to stop misreading my flight information. I thought it left at 12:20, so I intended to be there at 11, but then my ride decided to drop off her recycling on the way, so at 11:25, I was finally at the airport. No biggie. I flew on Southwest today, and I got to experience the whole "it's less of a cattle call now" experience. Instead of just having a boarding card of A, B or C, you get to have a letter AND a number. I was A39, so now you get the privilege of asking people around you what number they are and then you line up accordingly. I suppose it's a nice way of networking, if you're into that sort of thing.
The flight went smoothly. I talked to a lady from Texas who's coming up to help her sister and then flying over to Utah to help her son after his surgery. He works for Southwest, so she gets free flights wherever and whenever. What a perk!! Arriving at the Indianapolis airport was bittersweet. This is the first time I've flown into the airport where Wiley hasn't been waiting for me. So while I was glad to be getting home to my cats (I've discovered Rewind likes chocolate chip cookies, as he opened the bag and ate one that I made for a friend, so I hoped there wasn't a mountain of puke waiting for me), I was sad that only the cats welcomed me home.
I have an interview with a promising firm on Tuesday. Hopefully things go well enough that I land a job. Whatever hocus pocus you believe in, do it now for me!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Good Gravy!!!
I know, I know. I'm so lucky to have problems like this!!!!! *dances around the living room*
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Warbling Wednesdays
And speaking of cats, I think my cats are allergic to me. Dixie had a habit of licking her belly to the point where she'd bleed. "Hot spots," the vet called them. When Dixie lived with Cara, the hot spots went away. But lo and behold, I looked at Dixie's belly tonight (she loves having her belly rubbed), I saw a little bit of pink under her thick white coat. My mouser, Deeder, who is still living in KC, was also a licker, but she just pulled out her fur, so her white belly showed with a little black fuzz on top of it. She has also stopped licking. So if it's not me, it's my male, Rewind, who's causing all this trouble. I hope it's him and not me.
I've been applying for jobs all day today: Indiana U, a law office, even an assistant chief probation officer. Yep, I was a bit worried too. I thought, You mean I filled out all your information and send you six references and this is what you pair me with? Uh-uh. But I looked at the description, and I wouldn't be the probation officer, I'd oversee other probation officers and do HR stuff - hire, train, go to job fairs, etc. Oh, I see plenty of problems with this; one such being probation officers who've been around the block awhile, sniggering behind my back: "How can she do the job? She's never been a probation officer." True. So we'll just see where this leads us. If I don't apply, I may not win, see?
Then I saw this clinical affairs manager job...basically, dealing with clinical phases and clinical sites...I will probably apply for this too. I have no experience myself with the clinical sites, but I've read a lot of information on them. So that means I can give it a shot. And for $75k, why not??? Then I could pay for my wedding AND take a honeymoon, all without donating plasma or that kidney.
Still kidding, Auntie Em.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I Miss
OMG my head hurts. I think my brain has exploded.
Tuesday Time
I also got a key to the shed that houses the lawnmower. Shed is filthy and has a huge hole in the ceiling, so the bins will not be going in there. I saved a big black furry caterpillar from certain death by moving him out of the way of the door. I realized that boxers leave big piles of poop, which is no wonder why I smell it when I'm in said hammock. I need to figure out a solution to this stinky situation.
I tried to update my iPod today, and my computer said my virtual memory was low. Now I don't understand why this is happening to me, and I don't quite know how to fix it. My iTunes is on my external hard drive.
And I made my famous cookies tonight. A friend's birthday is today, so I thought I would give her the gift of fat. Dinner out with her fiance isn't enough in my opinion!
Now I have a huge headache, and I just spilled all my Aleve on the floor. You know what? Screw it. They're still digestible. Note to self: do not offer any Aleve to friends.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Cake, I Love You.
After staying up last night until 1 am looking up information online for my new case, and dreaming all night about my case, this morning, as I was driving into work to fix the paperwork I knew I screwed up (which I hadn't, but I needed to add something, so I did), I said, "Screw it, I'm stopping in." I'm so glad I did. That little apple pastry above? Outstanding; even better when it's warmed up. They also had little cupcakes, and since I just love cake, I had to get one. So I got two: one chocolate and one raspberry. YUMMY. The frosting was light, almost like the whipped icing, but not quite. And the flower on top was a different kind of light...as in not so much, but not as heavy as those really big flowers on the corners of birthday cakes.
The really cool thing is that there was a little cake called Black and Tan at a little eatery, and I found it today at Angel B's! This is closer, so I look forward to sampling it and the little carrot cakes. Oh, cake. Don't ever stop tasting so, so good.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hang On to Your Hats!
But wait, it gets better. They changed my days off, so now I'm supposed to work next weekend, even though I'm going to be out of town and can't. Which means I have to find someone to cover my shyt. And not only did I get a case, but it had to be dealt with THIS VERY DAY. So from 3 pm until 9, I was out in the field, and from 9 to almost 11, I was doing paperwork for said work in the field. And I have more paperwork to do! Headus hurtus muchus. At what point in time do you say, "No, I'm not working slave labor. Even if it means helping out needy kids."? I want to ask my coworkers if they have spouses to support them in this job because one coworker said she spent over $1000 in one month in gas...she then qualified it by saying maybe there was a car repair in there. Hmmm....$1000 a month in gas for a Honda. Holy shyt, did I pick the wrong job.
And just wait, something will be wrong with my paperwork. I just know it. And then I won't get paid my bupkus! Now, if only I could turn off my brain.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Not the Happy Homecoming
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Language and Youth
I’m watching Bush’s visit to Zagreb on Croatian TV this morning. Of course, Bush doesn’t speak Croatian. He also doesn’t speak English all that well (He said “Nucular” again instead of Nuclear during his speech to NATO). However, the Croatian Prime Minister, Ivo Sanader did manage to speak a little English without much of an accent, which makes me think he speaks it fairly well… or maybe just has a good accent coach. That made me wonder at what point in his life he started really learning English. He studied comparative literature, so he’s fluent in five languages.
Sanader is a bad example because of his background, but the idea of successful people (especially men) learning foreign languages strikes me as funny. I’m sure that they do, but the idea strikes me as funny because learning a new language is a lot like going back to being a child. I used to joke when I lived in Switzerland after only two years of German that I felt like the village idiot. In English, I’m a reasonably well-spoken person with a sense of humor. In German at the time, I was able to speak simply about my needs and wants, but I was the village idiot when it came to anything more complicated. I remember accidentally telling my guest family that my parents were dead instead of divorced (which made it very confusing when I called them on the phone).
I’ve spent much of the last 10 years learning two languages, and for both cases I went through the same process of being an idiot before I reached the point where I don’t sound like an idiot. So, it just makes me laugh thinking of these big-shot government leaders going through the same process of being a high-status person through most of their life and then being the village idiot while trying to learn some language.Friday, April 4, 2008

So, what brought the Kids back together? Could it be mid-life crisis time? Did they figure out they had it really good and wanted a taste of what life used to be like? I wasn't a huge fan of them the first-time around, though I have to give them a little credit. They helped launch Marky Mark's career, and I just love me some Mark Wahlberg. I just hope their dance moves don't suck. It's no fun for the girls to watch as a knee pops out of joint.